Nestled in the holy Sangre de Christo mountains in southern Colorado, Siddha Guru Ashram is a peaceful and serene retreat. The ashram is the home of Mataji Jyoti Ma and a quiet oasis for deep practice and enlightened living.

The ashram honors the Siddha Guru Monastery, which is composed of saints, sages and immortal masters who established and continue to guide practitioners of the Siddha path. We practice in the tradition of our Param Guru Sri Tirumular Siddha, using the potent techniques of the Tirumandiram.

Author of the scripture, Tirumandiram

Siddha Guru of Jyoti Ma

Siddha Yogini
At Siddha Guru Ashram we hold regular practice gatherings, satsangs, retreats, homa ceremonies and pujas. Please check our Events page for current and upcoming virtual and live gatherings.
The world is the field of experience for everyone. The Tirumandiram is the Field of Practice for practitioners who are in the world to go beyond the world. Sri Sri Sri Tirumular Siddha

Home of Siddha Guru Ashram